My Work

Allegheny Property Search

An intuitive user interface to search for property details in Allegheny County, PA. Includes property tax calculations, owner history and more

  • JavaScript
  • Embedded JavaScript
  • TailwindCSS & DaisyUI
  • Node.js & Express.js
  • Mongoose & MongoDB Atlas
Property Search Demo


A dynamic fitness application utilizing edge functions for on-the-spot responses via readable streams and davinci-003. Target specific muscle groups or types of exercises based on equipment available.

  • TypeScript
  • React.js
  • Next.js
  • TailwindCSS
Project 1


Making it easy for individuals and organizations to mark their brand in correspondences. Request a customized HTML email signature

  • JavaScript
  • HTML
  • CSS/TailwindCSS
Project 1

MVC Lecture

Core concepts and walkthrough for implementing MVC design patterns in Express.js projects

  • Client-Server Architecture
  • Separation of Concerns
  • Use Cases and Benefits
What is MVC? Lecture

About Me

Hi I'm Justin, a software developer based in Pittsburgh, PA. From full stack web applications to IoT devices, you can usually find me tinkering with programs. When I'm not building or learning about new technologies, you can spot me walking local parks with my dogs, looking for my next read or armchair coaching the Steelers.
